About us
Federation of Co-operatives Ltd; is the national cooperative Umbrella
Organization that promotes, serves and coordinates the work of
cooperative societies in mainland Tanzania. (Cooperatives are voluntary
organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and
willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender,
social, racial, political or religious discrimination. ICA Statement of
Identity, 1995). TFC is an autonomous, non– governmental and non–
partisan body that is member owned and managed in the spirit of
internationally recognized co-operative principles and values.
is also a member of International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), East
African Farmers Federation (EAFF), International Federation of
Agricultural Producers (IFAP) and Committee of Artisanal and Workers
Cooperatives (CICOPA). Nationally, TFC is founder member Tanzania
Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) and Agricultural Council Tanzania
(ACT), formerly Tanzania Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.It
collaborates with several other national and International stakeholders
such as various Government ministries, ILO, FAO, IFAD, TUCTA, MVIWATA,
SIDO, etc.
was registered on 8th December, 1994 with Registration Number 5503.
Founding Members of TFC consists of five national cooperative apexes,
two specialized Unions (Savings and Credit Cooperative Union of Tanzania
– SCCULT and Tanzania Industrial Co-operative Union and six Cooperative
replaced the former Cooperative Union of Tanzania (CUT) following the
adoption of the new policy and enactment of the cooperative Act in 1991
which rescinded the political association of the cooperative movement as
a mass organization of the ruling party. Therefore,since the
cooperative Act of 2003 stressed on promoting autonomy of Cooperatives
and member empowerment, there was a need to have an independent
cooperative body as a result TFC was formed. Since its establishment TFC
has participated in different ways of uniting cooperative societies in
the country, thus creating a prosperous environment for them to operate
on the basis of the Cooperative Principles. TFC has promoted member
empowerment and ownership in cooperative societies for the mutual
benefits of co-operators andthe Country as a whole.
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Job Vacancies at Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives (TFC) Ltd
Reviewed by ISSAH JUMA
Friday, February 21, 2020

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