Job Title: TORs for the SVAC Prevention Consultant
1. Introduction
Since 2014, Pathfinder in collaboration with ActionAid Tanzania and C-Sema have been implementing the KUWAZA (Kuzuia Unyanyasaji wa Watoto Zanzibar) project which is aimed at supporting the Government of Zanzibar’s efforts in ending Violence Against Children, with greater focus on interventions for primary prevention. In addition, KUWAZA has been collaborating with the government and other stakeholders to strengthen response to violence against children through one-stop centers, police gender desks and other response bodies. The project is implemented in Unguja North Region and is funded by the OAK Foundation.
Since 2014, Pathfinder in collaboration with ActionAid Tanzania and C-Sema have been implementing the KUWAZA (Kuzuia Unyanyasaji wa Watoto Zanzibar) project which is aimed at supporting the Government of Zanzibar’s efforts in ending Violence Against Children, with greater focus on interventions for primary prevention. In addition, KUWAZA has been collaborating with the government and other stakeholders to strengthen response to violence against children through one-stop centers, police gender desks and other response bodies. The project is implemented in Unguja North Region and is funded by the OAK Foundation.
implementation of the project for the last 6 years and following the
outcomes achieved over the years, we are considering a next phase of the
project, which will be exclusively focused on primary prevention of
Sexual Violence Against Children (SVAC). In addition, new evidence has
recently been documented on what works well in prevention of SVAC and
the interventions that have proved to impactful in different parts of
the world. Pathfinder International is looking for a competent
consultant who is specialized in primary prevention of SVAC to work with
the consortium members through the thinking and planning process to
develop the SVAC prevention program that will work and bring impact in
the Zanzibar context.
consultant will lead, guide and facilitate a consultative process
involving the government, subject matter specialists, KUWAZA partners
and key stakeholders in Tanzania / Zanzibar to brainstorm, discuss, to
identify and prioritise potential evidence based interventions that can
be considered for implementation in the Zanzibar context, identify
considerations for adaptation of these interventions and develop project
framework, stipulating the key interventions, indicators to track
change, roles and responsibilities of consortium members including
capacity building needs among the members.
2. Specific objectives
Specifically, the consultant will be tasked to lead the following activities:
- Review the context of the project and synthesise the impact from the program in the current partnership within the existing political and program context to identify the impact of that may support implementation of the next phase of the project.
- Reflection on the end-line evaluation report of KUWAZA phase II project and collate lessons that must be taken on board to inform designing interventions of phase III of KUWAZA project, which will exclusively focus on primary prevention of S-VAC
- Support the consortium partners to develop a good understanding of what works to prevent sexual violence against children
- Facilitate a process where consortium members joint review VAC surveys and other studies to identify the types of sexual violence prevalent in Zanzibar, who the perpetrators are, where the abuse happens, etc. and jointly reflect on the implications to the design and implementation of the next phase of KUWAZA
- Facilitate a discussion among the partners to jointly identify priority evidence based interventions that could be put in place and what role each partner will have in the development and implementation of interventions
- Support the partners to identify the additional technical support they need to adopt and implement the identified interventions and also identify potential capacity building providers
- Support the partners in the development of a grant application to Oak
- Facilitate / lead discussions and brainstorming sessions as well as consultative meetings involving key external stakeholders, including the government and document strategies, learnings, successes and challenges that must be taken on board when designing the S-VAC prevention project for Zanzibar
- Using the information gathered from the consultative process and collated global evidence, facilitate and guide the development of a theory of change and Measurement Framework for primary prevention of SVAC for inclusion in phase III of the project.
- Develop a project framework, stipulating the key interventions and roles and responsibilities of consortium members along with additional technical support needs of consortium members to adopt and implement the identified interventions and also identify potential capacity building providers for phase III
3. Deliverables
The key deliverables from this engagement are:
- A theory of change for the next phase of KUWAZA project
- Program design indicating partnership needs, roles and responsibilities of each partner, program set up and key staffing needs etc.
- A detailed project framework, stipulating key project interventions and key activities, partners, processes, and and technical capacity needs of consortium needs
- Short memo/ report with recommedatiosn to consortium members and funder on things to take into account going forward
4. Qualifications
- We are looking for a consultant firm or individual(s) who have excellent knowledge and understanding of current evidence of what works in prevention sexual violence. Specific experience of working on programs aimed at primary prevention of sexual violence against children is strongly desirable.
- The candidate must demonstrate ability, skills and experience of in using existing evidence base to inform the development of evidence informed intervention to prevent sexual violence against children
- The consultant firm or individuals must possess experience good track records of in designing and facilitating collaborative and consultative workshops involving multiple stakeholders
- The consultant firm or individuals must have demonstrated local and global experience of collating information and designing, implementing and reviewing projects aimed at primary prevention of SV-AC.
- Knowledge of the Zanzibar context with regards to the subject matter is strongly desirable.
- Ability to speak / communicate in Swahili desirable. Foreign individuals may partner with Tanzanian experts who will bring in the local knowledge and experience
5. Working modality and timeline
Pathfinder will engage the consultant for the period starting from March to June 2020. The contractual time to be spent on the assignment will not exceed 40 days this period. The consultant will be expected to travel to Zanzibar on specific assignments, to engage with key stakeholders and staff.
6. Application modality and deadline
Applicants must submit the CV for the lead consultant and CVs for other key staff who will be involved in undertaking this assignment.
Applicants must submit a 1- 2page concept note on how they will approach this work and any relevant experience they have in this area in lieu of a cover letter. Examples deliverables from similar work will be of great advantage during the evaluation quotes.
Applications and other information must be submitted directly to Procurement-TZ@pathfinder.org and copy to: jurio@pathfinder.org and imsagalla@pathfinder.org
Applications must be received by Pathfinder no later than 23:30HRS on March 8, 2020.
7. Inquiries
If you have any questions/inquiries, please email Procurement-TZ@pathfinder.org and copy to: jurio@pathfinder.org and imsagalla@pathfinder.org no later than 23:30 HRS on March 2, 2020.
8. Terms and conditions
Pathfinder reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any point and is under no obligation to issue a subcontract as a result of this solicitation.
Pathfinder will not reimburse any expenses related to the preparation of any proposal related materials or delivery.
SVAC Prevention Consultant at Pathfinder International
Reviewed by ISSAH JUMA
Sunday, March 01, 2020

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