Tender No C05/august/2017 Consultancy to Carrying Out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Uzazi Uzima Project in Simiyu at Amref Health Africa

Application deadline 2017-08-22
  1. Background
    Amref Health Africa –Tanzania, Deloitte and Marie Stopes in collaboration with the Simiyu Regional Secretariat will implement a four-year project known as Uzazi Uzima The project is funded by Government of Canada through the Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the project aims at supporting the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children to improve Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH), in six district councils in Tanzania’s Simiyu Region. It focuses on integrating Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and nutrition services for women of reproductive age, newborn and children under five years (U5) into improved utilization of MNCH, WASH and Nutrition services. The project also focuses on strengthening community health systems to improve quality health services delivery in the region.
    The project will reach 348,567 direct beneficiaries (girls and women of reproductive age) and 334,515 men and boys. The project also aims at reaching additional 1,584,157 indirectly beneficiaries (men, women, boys and girls).
The project will cover 28 Health facilities (4 health centres (HCs) and 24 dispensaries). The project will largely involve in renovation/rehabilitation of HCs and dispensaries to accommodate CEmONC and BEmONC services in all the six district councils. The targeted HFs for CEmONC rehabilitation are Lalago HC (Maswa DC), Mwandoya HC (Meatu DC), Zagayu HC (Itilima DC), and Igalukilo/Lukungu (Busega DC). On the other hand, dispensaries that will be rehabilitated to provide BEmONC services include Lugulu, Migato, Habiya and Sunzula (Itilima DC) Ditima, Guduwi, Matale and Nyaumata (Bariadi TC), Mpindo, Jija,Masela and Mwabayanda (Maswa DC), Mwanhale, Mwamagigisi,Mwasamba and Kalemela Busega DC), Nyawa, Matongo, Kasoli and Halawa (Bariadi DC) and Mwabuzo, Sakasaka, Kisesa and Ng’oboko (Meatu DC). Therefore, a total of 28 HFs will be covered from 6 district councils in the region.
Therefore, this proposal calls to undertake an EIA in the mentioned 28 health facilities HFs in Simiyu region.
  1. The Purpose of EIA study:
    Amref Health Africa wishes to conduct an EIA prior to implementing Uzazi Uzima project. The overall purpose of this assessment is to provide the project with the key environmental factors to be considered during the planning and construction of expected HFs and infrastructures. Environment preservation is a global development agenda and is clearly featured in at list Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 13. In Tanzania environmental factors is given high priority in implementing any construction project. Thus in implementing Uzazi Uzima project, it is imperative that actions to minimize any environmental destruction as a result of construction are considered in the project implementation plans. The findings from the EIA will be used by Amref Health Africa, decision makers and other project implementers as a guide during the implementation of project related constructions with aim to reduce environment effects that may result from the project activities.
Specific objectives of this assignment are:
2.1. Balance between short and long term social economic benefits of the project and the detriment to the human and physical environment.
2.2. Review health facility design/plans and highlight any issues related to compliance with Government of Tanzania regulations and standards, in particular (but not limited to) liquid and solid wastes and propose technically and financially feasible options to manage these. Evaluate the nature of the project and its undertakings-how it is likely to meet environmental standards in areas of liquid waste (effluent, detergents, bloods), in solid waste (dead foetus, after birth, pathological waste, radioactive waste) management etc.
2.3. Assess possible immediate or future and long term cumulative impacts of the interventions on the environmental characteristics of the areas. This will facilitate planning and managing the HF infrastructures to be developed in selected areas in Simiyu by enabling, in the event that a risk is foreseen, the selection of an alternative future site or the incorporation of mitigation measures.
2.4. Evaluate any constrictions and environmental risks on the HFs such as landslides, flood, landslide, contamination from other users and sources, non-acceptance from local population, etc).
2.5. Provide overview of the situation on environmental management and the community or district land use plans so as to lead to development of framework for decision-making in order to support on-going conservation initiatives.
2.6. Assess the immediate and future environmental impacts on the development of borehole pumped water schemes with either driven engine or solar energy and provide immediate and long term environmental management plans.
  1. Scope of work for the Consultancy
    The Consultant will be responsible for all work related to EIA. These will include preparation and planning, identification of environmental issues, environmental impacts predictions, evaluation of impacts significance, Plans to avoid, mitigate, monitor and follow-up potential negative impacts, and recommendation.
    The EIA will also be responsible for
    • Development tools for data collection
    • Data collection,
    • Data analysis and
    • Report writing.
    In addition to the above s/he will consult and provide feedback to Amref health Africa, involve Simiyu Regional authority, local governments in six (6) district councils who will monitor the process and recognize the importance of mitigating any adverse environmental impacts. It is important to note that the above mentioned responsibilities are just guide and should not be treated as only processes needed for this assessment. Creativity is welcomed and may add more value to the applicant.
In this assignment the study design and approach should follow the known Tanzania EIA process for a preliminary environmental assessment by applying appropriate guideline, documents, and laid down stages.
The Consultant will use approved Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) documents, appropriate EIA guidelines, Uzazi Uzima project documents and any other documents necessary for the this assessment.
3.2 Specific tasks include:
The consultant will assess the current trend and daily practices of environmental management within the project area. Thus the assessment is expected to provide a comprehensive environmental assessment report that will help Amref Health Africa in Tanzania and its implementing partners to address any environmental challenges throughout project implementation. The said report will include, but not limited to the following:
3.2.1. A detailed description of the proposed undertaking.
3.2.2. A description of the environment, with a focus on the elements that would be affected directly or indirectly (or could affect the project).
3.2.3. An analysis of the environmental and socio-economic effects of the project. In particular, the EIA will consider the following environmental, socio-economic and health issues associated with proposed rehabilitation, construction HFs and WASH infrastructures
3.2.4. Localisation factors (risk of contamination of nearby water bodies or groundwater, compatibility with surrounding land use, risk of landslide and inundations, reliable access to road, water and energy sources, power supply, ecologically or socio-culturally sensitive factors, etc). Land preparation and facility construction and size / refurbishment of existing structures (building material adapted to local conditions, water adduction and supply, sanitation, drainage, etc.). Operation: patient and health care worker safety issues, solid and liquid waste collection, treatment, elimination and disposal of health care products and waste (infectious material, sharps, blood, cleaning products, chemical, pharmaceutical, medicine, radioactive). Mitigation measures: Technically and financially feasible options for reducing and mitigating identified risks and potential effects and make recommendations on the most appropriate (effective, low cost, low maintenance, adapted to local capacity, meet GoT regulations and minimum standards) mitigation and management measures. This includes (but is not limited to): Elements of siting and designs, Water, Sanitation and hygiene, Proposed technologies and approaches for health care products and waste collection, treatment, elimination and disposal, Health care products/waste management plan (minimal program for HCWM), Recommended monitoring plan and evaluation activities to ensure the mitigation measures are implemented and are effective, Consultations held and results of this consultation (issues raised and how these were considered in the recommendations). Any other management considerations such as the need to train health workers, etc.
In preparing his/her recommendations, the Consultant should consider any relevant regulations and standards established by the Government of Tanzania for this type of construction and operations. He/she should also consult key reference documents and guidelines from WHO and other competent institutions.
  1. Deliverables and outputs
    The EIA consultant shall provide a final report that contains detailed key findings from the EIA. The final report should contain
    • Information on any anticipated environmental issue of concern for the project implementers to consider
    • A described management plan for the identified environmental risks. .
    The consultant shall provide a final report (Three hard copies and an electronic soft copy) of the activity (EIA); to be submitted to Amref Health Africa at end of the EIA.
    In addition He/she shall present a brief summary of key findings including environmental management plan at a debrief session involving partner organizations, project staff, local government authorities as well as stakeholders and development partners within the region.
    The consultant shall also be responsible for securing an environmental impact assessment certificate from authorized organs/ministry for this project.
  2. Report format
Reporting requirements
Prior to submission of final report the consultant shall share the zero draft of the EIA report with Amref Health Africa’s project technical team. Then the Consultant shall present the first draft of the report to Amref Health Africa. The final report shall be submitted after incorporating comments from Amref Health Africa.
Amref Health Africa format for evaluation reports
The final evaluation report is expected not to exceed 50 pages excluding annexes and should conform to the following format:
 Executive summary
 Introduction
 Methodology
 Results/Findings
 Discussion
 Conclusions
 Recommendations
 Acknowledgement (very short like five lines)
 References
 Annex
6. Duration of the consultancy
The EIA is expected to take a maximum of 15 working days, from the day of signing a contract. However certification should be done after final EIA report is approved by Amref Health Africa.
  1. Role of Amref Health Africa and partners
Amref Health Africa will provide programme documents and be the link between the consultant and key partners as well as the communities. Amref Health Africa will also review the EIA design, methodology, tools, provide leadership as co-investigators. The partners will serve as community guides and mobilize the required persons for interviews as the assessment requires.
  1. Payment
    Terms of Payment will be 40% advance payments of the consultant fee and 60% will be paid after approval and submission of the final report. Direct costs will reimbursed upon submission of valid receipts.
  2. Administration
    9.2. Amref Health Africa will lead and facilitate most of administrative arrangements for the EIA including contracting of consultant.
    9.3. The consultant will be assigned by Amref Health Africa Country director and reports on daily basis to RMNCAH Program Manager as well as Project Manager for Uzazi Uzima
    9.4. All deliverables should be submitted on time, pursuant to agreed work plan, to be developed by the consultant during proposal development.
    9.5. Should an extension be required, the consultant must make a request for extension of time in writing, at least five days before the deadline and provide a justification. The decision regarding such request will be made before the expiry of the consultancy duration.
    9.6. Consultant will neither assign nor sub-contract this assignment. Amref Health Africa reserves the right to terminate the consultancy in the event any of the above is noticed.
  3. Expected profile of the consultant
    Applications are invited from suitable qualified consultants who have a good understanding of national environmental policies, regulations and standards, national health policies and RMNCAH policies and strategies. The consultant or one member (for the case of team of consultants) should have certification for undertaking EIA from credited institution, or from governing body such as NEMC. The consultant should have a good knowledge and experiences in implementing EIA assignments in Tanzania and MUST have conducted an EIA in health facilities in the last 3 years
He/She should be familiar with both quantitative and qualitative techniques.
The suitable candidate should possess a postgraduate training in environmental studies, public health, social sciences or any other related disciplines and have at least a minimum of 5 years’ experience in conducting EIA related activities.
Additional knowledge on M&E and report writing skills will be an added advantage for this Assignment.
  1. Response Proposal Specifications
    Those interested in the consultancy must include in their application a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components:
a) Technical
i) Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
ii) Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
iii) Time and activity schedule
iv) In case the assignment is applied by team of consultant, roles and responsibilities should clearly be described.
b) Financial
i) Consultant’s fee (Consultant’s rate in Tanzanian shillings.
ii) Activity costs
iii) Cost of logistics arrangements such as transport during the EIA
v) Other costs for the consultant (only) e.g. perdiem while in the field and travel costs for the consultant will be met by Amref Health Africa
c) Organizational and Personnel Capacity Statement
i) Relevant experience related to the assignment
ii) Appropriate references
iii) Curriculum Vitae of key personnel

Instructions and Terms of Reference (TOR).
Bring your Proposal in a sealed envelope (Three hardcopies and CD) and mark on top Tender No C05/august/2017 Consultancy to Carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Uzazi Uzima Project and drop it in our tender box at the reception.
The deadline for submission is 22.08.2017.
confirm to the Secretary of Tender Committee if you will submit the quotation in hardcopy. Email address: Tender.SecretaryTZ@Amref.org
submitsealed separate :
• A technical proposal
• A financial proposal
• Individual consultant’s capacity statement including relevant experiences related to the assignment and contact of organizations worked with
• Curriculum vitae of key personnel who will be involved in the assignment
The proposal for EIA should reach the undersigned via email or hand delivery not later than 22.08.2017
Evaluation and Award of Consultancy
Amref health Africa will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. Amref Health Africa reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest, the highest or any bidder. Only the successful applicant will be contacted
Tender No C05/august/2017 Consultancy to Carrying Out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Uzazi Uzima Project in Simiyu at Amref Health Africa Tender No C05/august/2017 Consultancy to Carrying Out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Uzazi Uzima Project in Simiyu at Amref Health Africa Reviewed by ISSAH JUMA on Wednesday, August 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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